Capture d’écran 2021-12-09 à 15.20.49

novembre 12 2021

Planches Contact - Storyville

Total take-over of the town of Deauville for the wonderful Festival of Photography in this mythic setting. Monumental installations, including a 36 metre image on the Olympic Swimming Pool and images all around the town and the stunningly famous prommenade. 

septembre 13 2021

C'est La Fête - Photaumnales

Pour le festival des Photaunales, C'est La Fete! CArte Blanche pour la reconstruction de 2 pieces pour montrer des installations et images autour de cette theme avec des images inedit de la collection.
Affiches ©The Anonymous Project

juin 01 2021

Parcours Saint Germain

2000 posters from the collection went up in the streets of the famous Latin Quarter of Paris for this 20th edition of the Parcours Saint Germain. Alongside Artiusts such as JR, Ugo Rondinone. 

juin 01 2021

Y'a d'la joie!

Y'a d'la joie - Investing all the piblic parks in the commune of Rueil Malmaison, a celebration of life, love and friendship. Translated as 'Let there be joy!'  

septembre 03 2021

The Deep End

Exhibition THE DEEP END at Festival Mapamundadistas. The Anonymous Project is proud to present for the first time The Deep End, an immersive installation around images from the collection. Based around images from the series ‘Splash’, the installation seeks to examine the notions of risk, movement and confrontation. The idea of movement is central to this work and will force the spectator to confront these notions. 
Panneau de médiation - Exposition

juin 01 2021

Exhibition Horizons at Gare D'Austerlitz

Horizons  - Gare D'austerlitz. The horizons in the collection are often the background constant to our daily lives. They are the backdrop to which all our lives are played out. They represent where we come from and where we are going, a hopeful reminder  that we are on a continuous journey of discovery, all undeniably linked together.

octobre 09 2020

NEW EXHIBITION! 'This Is England' at the Agnes B Foundation.

Upcoming Exhibiton at the wonderful Agnes B Foundation starting on the 9th October. An interavtive journey through the UK part of the collection. Red broick houses, roadside picnics, seaside outings.....Click here 
Polka VDJ

juillet 02 2020

Exhibition Vertiges Des Jours

Incredibly proud to be part of this collective exhibiton at the Polka Gallery along side some of my absolute heroes in the world of photography! Works old and new to highlight the emotional journey of slowly coming out of lockdown after 3 months. 

novembre 22 2019

Jimei Arles

 Selected by Arles for the International Photo Festival in Jimei , China. A part of the exhibiton The House was reconstructed right down to the last detail.
affiche bis

septembre 13 2019


Fun is the theme here!  Birthdays, clebrations, holidays, parties and much much more. A look into the more festive side of the collection.Let the good times roll! 

juillet 01 2019

Les Rencontres D'Arles The House

The Anonymous Project is proud to present The House. Moments and memories once lost in time brought back to life to illustrate the importance of the home in our daily lives. When filmmaker Lee Shulman bought a random box of vintage slides he fell completely in love with the people and stories he discovered in these unique windows in to our past lives, The Anonymous Project was born. See more here
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juin 18 2018


Trips to the seaside, ice creams and fun in the sun. With our good friends at Leon & Harper we are very proud to bring a little sunshine into this unique exhibition. Sit back in your deckchair and take in the best of Summetime.
AFFICHE Beaurepaire

janvier 24 2018

The Anonymous Project #1

In the very beginning. Our very first exhibition! Some of our best images broughts to life for the very first time. You can take a virtuel tour here